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Wairoa’s techno-savvy entrepreneurs have an opportunity to turn their ideas into viable ventures at a business development startup weekend next month.
Powered by the Kaufman Foundation, the 54-hour event will see people with technology-related ideas pitch their concepts, form teams, build prototypes, be judged, and hopefully go a long way to launching a new start-up company.
Wairoa District Council are subsidising 10 people to attend the weekend, which runs from August 1-3 at the EIT campus in Taradale, Napier.
WDC Transformation Manager Roger Matthews said this was a great opportunity to launch an idea in a supportive environment.
“Council is right behind supporting people with ideas and energy, but not necessarily the means to move forward. This relatively small investment could make a big difference to someone’s future,” he said.
This year’s focus is on developing ideas from the rural and food production sectors. Organisers want a mix of people, particularly year 12 and 13 students, to come forward with ideas on primary industry innovation and how to improve things on the land using technology as tools.
So if you have a killer idea, can write code or make a widget, or can design things then contact Mr Matthews on (06) 838 7309 or rogerm@wairoadc.govt.nz.
More information on Startup Weekend can be viewed at http://hawkesbay.startupweekend.org
5 July 2016
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