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Wairoa whanau are being encouraged to take part in a survey that will help local agencies develop a housing strategy for whanau in the district
Wairoa District Council has partnered with organisations from within Wairoa to develop a strategy.
Council would like to hear from the people of the Te Wairoa district, about local housing needs and aspirations to help with planning and developing this strategy.
As part of the planning of this strategy, Council and its partners have developed a survey as a first step. Click here for the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/kehous21
The results will be used to wananga with whanau in each rohe within Wairoa.
Those who complete the survey will also go in the draw to win three $200 gift vouchers.
Tukua mai, whanau!
25 May 2021
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