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Consultation on the Wairoa District Council 2021-31 Long-term Plan will close next Tuesday - June 1.
A series of community meetings have been held over the last few weeks with Mayor Craig Little impressed with the feedback he has heard from the community.
“Council’s Long-Term Plan Consultation Document proposes an average rate increase of 10% for the first year of the plan (2021/22) followed by three years of average increases of around 8%. The average rates increase over the 10 years of the plan is 5.6%.
“No one wants to pay more rates, but most of our community understands the reason for the proposed average increase and that we are trying to keep rates as affordable as possible but that we have to meet the needs of our community both today and for future generations.
“It is always great for Council representatives to get out into our district and hear what our people want.
“Key themes have been sealing SH 38, which we are still lobbying government, for and concerns around the Three Waters future, again an area where we are waiting to see what the Central Government outcome will be.
“At Tuai we heard about the need for a playground upgrade and the long-term development of the area.
“Nuhaka residents raised questions around the signage for Rocket Lab and emphasised the need for housing across the district.
“At Mahia, we had questions around resource planning and drainage, land development, and depreciation.
“Dust management and the impact of forestry trucks on unsealed roads was topical at the Frasertown meeting.
“Raupunga residents highlighted the value of Council partnering with other agencies and providers; their wish list includes a school and a bus shelter.
“In town a focus remains on getting wastewater out of the river, which is also a strong Council focus, along with the Kitchener Street drains and smart meters.
“At the end of the day it boils down to common sense. We are trying to achieve savings where we can, such as the water meters in town, at no cost to ratepayers, which will increase resilience and save water and therefore costs. And like the community we want our treated wastewater out of the awa. However, these things don’t happen overnight, and it would take a significantly higher rate increase than the proposed average 10% when we fund a project like land-based wastewater disposal.
“It was great to hear that across-the-board people acknowledged that Council costs are mostly driven by Central Government compliance requirements.
“Road safety and Economic Development are considered important, and people also want to see different sectors pay a fair share for environmental protection.
“Thank you to everyone who turned up to talk to us at the caravan sessions and community meetings. We appreciate you taking time to have your say and encourage you and everybody to lodge a submission.
“I think it is important that people know they will be listened to. Your feedback is essential and assists elected members to consider as many views as possible. Ultimately the final decisions are based on the best interest of the whole community for now, and into the future.
“There is still time to lodge a submission and we really do want to hear what people think.”
To view the consultation document online head to www.consultations.nz/wdc. Submissions can be made by online or by emailing feedback@wairodc.govt.nz. People can pick up a copy of the Consultation document and feedback booklet from the Council offices on Queen Street or write us a letter and send us your thoughts to P O Box 54, Wairoa.
Submissions close on Tuesday, 1 June 2021 at 4.30pm. The deliberations and hearing of submissions are scheduled for June 8,9 and this timeframe may be extended depending on the quantity/complexity of submissions.
“We invite your participation as we face the challenges and build our community’s future together.”
2 June 2021
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