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Long-Term Plan hearings next week

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 Consultation on the Wairoa District Council 2021-31 Long Term Plan has now closed with submissions to the plan are scheduled to be heard next week.


Community consultation has taken place over the past month with a total of 36 submissions lodged.


Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said elected members and Council staff have been involved with face-to-face caravan sessions and community meetings and people have also been able to lodge submissions online, by email or in written form.


“We need feedback from our community, and it’s been great to get out over the last month and hear what people have to say.


“It is important people know they will be listened to. The feedback we have now received will assist elected members to consider as many views as possible. Ultimately the final decisions are based on the best interest of the whole community for now, and into the future.


“We are pleased to receive this level of participation and look forward to considering all feedback and then hearing submissions next Tuesday and Wednesday (June 8 and 9).


“Key themes from the submissions have included installation of water meters, removing the Airport from Council’s activities, removing treated wastewater from the river, more attention to the wastewater activity, keeping levels of service the same, improved social spaces at Mahia, negative impacts of forestry and support of the investment in rural roads.”   


The hearing of submissions will take place in the Council Chambers, Queen Street, Wairoa starting at 9am on Tuesday, June 8.

2 June 2021

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