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Wairoa people are once again showing their resilience in their response the unfolding COVID-19 community cases and Level 4 lockdown.
Wairoa District Council chief executive Kitea Tipuna said it was great to see local people supporting each other.
“Our whānau are resilient; we know we have been here before and this is not new to us. While it can be an unsettling time there seems to be a relative calm around the district, and I hope we are able to sustain this.”
Locally, Wairoa’s Emergency Operations Centre has been stood up and is monitoring the developing COVID-19 situation. Services, community agencies and iwi throughout Wairoa are liaising and ensuring they are prepared for the possibility that the Alert Level 4 could extend past Friday (August 20).
Mr Tipuna said essential services are continuing throughout the district and he does not expect any disruptions around the delivery of Council services.
Under the current Level 4 lockdown the following Council facilities are closed: Council offices, the landfill, Gaiety Theatre, i-Site, library, Mountain Bike Park, playgrounds, skatepark, cemeteries and water fountains have been locked. The Wairoa Community Centre and Wairoa Museum are also closed.
The Queen Street, River Parade and Nuhaka public toilets are open during Alert Level 4 and will be cleaned 4 - 5 times per day. All other public toilets will be closed with signage.
Council’s animal control service remains functioning for emergency calls.
Collection of the urban kerbside rubbish and recycling collection continued as scheduled yesterday and today. Due to COVID restrictions, residents are being asked to separate their recycling for kerbside collection with all glass into the Council provided crate, and all other recycling into any other container/crate/bag. This will ensure all recycling will be sent to recycling facilities as normal.
Rural refuse and recycling will continue in the Tuai area and Raupunga and Mohaka.
“Our customer services staff report that rates, due tomorrow (August 20), are a key point of concern for people contacting us. Please call our customer services on 06 838 7309 to make arrangements if you are unable to pay online.
“We urge whānau to stay home and looking after yourselves and each other. Keep to your bubble and only leave home for essential services. If you do leave home, please wear a mask, stick to the two-metre rule, sanitise and use the COVID tracer app.
“If you are feeling unwell, call your GP or Healthline to get information about having a COVID-19 test.”
COVID-19 vaccinations resume Tuesday 24 August, with sites operating under strict Level 4 conditions. Those aged 40-plus can book spots on bookmyvaccine.co.nz from tomorrow.
For up-to-date information visit www.covid19.govt.nz, watch the live televised updates or visit the Wairoa District Council website and Facebook page.
20 August 2021
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz