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Shop and buy locally- tautoko Wairoa


Many Wairoa businesses have stepped up with a proactive response to the Alert Level 4 lockdown.

Mayor Craig Little commend those businesses which were able to implement social distancing processes to enable customers to still purchase from their local stores. A list of businesses currently trading is available below.

“We know how hard the last lockdown was on some of our businesses and I urge our community to Tautoko Wairoa and shop and buy locally. As a small and isolated community, it is vital we look after Wairoa’s small businesses. If we do not support our businesses, we run a very real risk that they may not survive and we could lose the convenience of having their products or services available locally which would have a massive impact on our community.”

To provide guidance for businesses during the lockdown levels MBIE has established a call centre, phone 0800 424 946 or email

There is also a list of sectors on the Covid19 website: money/businesses/doing-business-at-alert-level-4/

And more detailed guidance on


Supermarket and Dairies

New World

Frazy Dairy

Clyde Road Dairy

Mclean St Dairy

Mahia Avenue

Riverview Dairy

Richies Market

Early bird organic


Petrol Stations






Farm Vets



Essential Supplies


Hammer Hardware

Wairoa Appliance Centre

Local Living

Wash with sweets


Chimney Cleaning

GOSH Tony Grant

23 August 2021

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