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Wairoa’s rural roading network has received a multimillion-dollar boost from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to repair historical weather-related dropouts.
In April 2017, Cyclones Debbie and Cook, along with other weather events, were responsible for more than $8 million worth of dropouts and damage to Wairoa’s roading network.
At the time Wairoa District Council’s roading team applied for emergency funding to repair the damage. However, with the three yearly funding cycle now complete it became evident additional funding was needed for areas where the dropouts have worsened over time and costs to complete the work have escalated.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said for Council to be able to request and receive an additional $3.4 million to complete the emergency works is a fantastic tribute to the relationship between Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and the Wairoa District Council roading team.
“This is a real partnership approach and built on respect and strong relationships. We are extremely appreciative that in this difficult environment Waka Kotahi recognises the importance of access across our vast roading network and has the confidence to fund us to complete this outstanding work.”
Mr Little praised Council’s roading team, especially the leadership of Mike Hardie, acknowledging the hard work it has taken to secure the additional funding which is reflective of the relationships Council staff has built with Waka Kotahi, local contractors, service providers and suppliers.
“Wairoa was really battered by weather events during this period and the fall out placed huge pressure on our roading network. This funding will go towards making our network even more resilient and will provide more work for local contractors while focussing on what we can do to prevent these dropouts occurring in the future.”
The emergency funding is subsidised at a 95% Funding Assistance Rate meaning the cost to Council will be 5%, which is $170,000.
Roads where the additional work will be carried out include dropouts on Tiniroto Road, Awamate Road, Ruapapa Road, Mahia East Coast Road and Putere Road.
13 September 2021
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