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Heavy rainfall event

Website flooding

Significant rainfall in the Wairoa district has caused surface flooding but no major issues.

Heavy rainfall overnight on Friday saw some areas of the district receive between 90-100mm over a 24-hour period.

Wairoa District Council chief executive officer Kitea Tipuna said the Wairoa district has a huge catchment, and within a 4,200 km2 area there is over 3000km of rivers and tributaries which all flow into the Wairoa River.
“By around lunchtime on Friday there was in excess of three million litres per second flowing under the Wairoa Bridge and out to sea.

“The river level is very high, particularly along Kopu Road, and the river mouth is open and flowing.

“There is a considerable amount of surface flooding, and the roads are slippery and wet. We urge whanau to stay home and stay safe.”

Council staff and contractors are on high alert and monitoring the situation.
There are some localised slips and one road, Waiatai Valley Road, closed due to flooding.

Heavy rainfall in the Wairoa township over the last 48 hours has resulted in significant infiltration of stormwater into the wastewater network.

Mr Tipuna said the community has been asked to reduce their household wastewater such as baths, showers and toilets where possible.

“Council has utilised the provisions provided under s330 of the RMA to allow for a limited discharge of treated wastewater outside the conditions of its current resource consent. Utilising this provision allows Council to safely manage the location, timing and volumes of treated discharges in line with river and tidal conditions.”


17 September 2021

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