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Wairoa District Council functional review

Wairoa District Council is strongly focused on enabling a vibrant and successful Wairoa District, creating jobs and meeting the organisational performance expectations of our customers and staff.

CEO Fergus Power has taken the strategic decision to look at how a newly-established specialist service provided by Local Government New Zealand can support the aspirations of the community by reviewing key Council functional areas to understand what improvements can be made both within Council and in how Council engages with its customers.

“The Review will assist Council to enhance our strategic direction and organisational performance including levels of customer service. The review is expected to roll out across The Office of the CEO, Corporate Services, Regulatory, Engineering and Finance between now and mid-August,” Mr Power said.

Council Staff will have an opportunity to engage in the process and provide valuable input to the draft report. The community will be informed on the outcomes in mid to late August once the review has been completed.

The review will see improvements in practices in each functional area of Council, providing clarity to staff in supporting the organisation’s forward direction. Customer service levels will be assessed to look for opportunities to improve, which will in turn enable better delivery of services to the community.

“As this is an internal functional review, the major focus is on how customer-facing services are delivered. Key customers will be interviewed for their experience of customer services and we will be reporting back to the community with outcomes once the review is complete - at this stage around mid to late August.”

Mr Power said Council will be working hard to improve its practices, and enhance its economic development activity as a result of the review.

5 July 2016

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