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Local Three Waters feedback appreciated

2021 09 28C 3 waters

The Wairoa community did not hold back on expressing their opinions on the Government’s Three Waters Reform proposals with around 60 people sharing their thoughts.

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said the Wairoa District Council, along with other local authorities, was asked by the government to consider the evidence and whether the government’s proposal to reform the three waters sector will deliver benefits to its residents. Council’s submission to the Department of Internal Affairs is available here:

“Our Council designed a survey to gather people’s thoughts and we also received feedback via email and Action Station Aotearoa- an independent crowdfunded community campaigning organisation.”

Mayor Craig Little thanked all the submitters and acknowledged that all feedback was taken on board, and that Council appreciated hearing from a range of community and iwi members.

Elected Members appreciated the engagement from members of the public and encourage all feedback to be sent to Council’s central feedback email: ‘’

People who completed the Council website-based survey or emailed Council will have received a feedback confirmation notification. However, while the Action Station Aotearoa submissions were received, Council cannot reply to those submitters as the format of the platform does not allow for replies.

People who are using the Action Station Aotearoa platform are encouraged to add their email address into the content if they would like to receive a reply.


14 October 2021

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