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Tautoko Wairoa, buy locally and win

2021 10 21a

Airini Rewi who shopped locally at the Wairoa Star was this week's winner of  the Tautoko Wairoa Buy local campaign.

There were a whopping 659 entries representing a total spend of $60,625.00 with the lucky winner drawn by Wairoa Mayoress Jan Little.

This Tautoko Wairoa - buy local and win campaign focusses on retail and health and beauty stores. The competition is open to everyone who spends $30 or more at participating businesses and then goes into the draw to win $100 in local shopping vouchers

This week is the last week of the promotion with the competition closing this Thursday, November 11, and the final draw on Friday November 12.

Participating businesses are Angus Gemmell Hardware, Beauty Antix, Bloom ‘n loco, Books on Parade, Bradbury Jewellers, Dollar Heaven, Wairoa Pharmacy, Eastland Building and Farm Supplies, Ecko, Estway Sports, Goods 4 U, Hammer Hardware, Hair Here, Hind Furnishers, i-Site, JC Electronics, Local Living, Mojo, Petite Fleur, Purple Petals, Richies Hair Salon, Stihl Shop, Wairoa Appliance Centre, Wairoa Star, Wash with Sweets and Te Kapu Apiaries.

Thank you to everyone who continues to tautoko Wairoa buy spending your money locally.

The promotion is part of the Wairoa District Council Tautoko Wairoa Buy Local Campaign to encourage people to shop and buy locally.

10 November 2021

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