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COVID in Hawke’s Bay


COVID-19 is getting closer to Wairoa following the Ministry of Health confirmation that a man who is a positive case is isolating at the Kennedy Park Resort in Napier.

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said we knew it was a matter of when, not if, COVID arrived in Hawke’s Bay and now is the time to be extra cautious.

“We have seen how contagious the Delta variant is and without the current lockdown approach there is a strong likelihood the spread will be far greater.

“The Government’s COVID-19 traffic light system and Auckland border opening is clearly a change from elimination to minimise and protect.

“Wairoa’s isolation may have been an advantage while Auckland was in lockdown. However, once the traffic light system is implemented next week, and the Auckland border is lifted on December 15, our isolation will no longer be a protection.

“From December 15, fully vaccinated people will be able to travel across the Auckland border freely. People who are unvaccinated will only be able to leave Auckland if they receive a negative Covid-19 test 72 hours prior to departure. There will be no similar restriction on unvaccinated people entering Auckland.”

“The Prime Minister has told us we are heading into our toughest period to date and that the traffic light system is designed to offer greater incentives to be vaccinated and greater protections for both those who are and aren’t vaccinated.

“People who are not vaccinated have an increased chance of getting COVID and an increased chance of becoming sicker if they do contract COVID.

“The Government messaging is very clear, if you want to travel over the summer holiday period you will be required to show proof of vaccination, or a negative Covid-19 test, and there will be checks in place to ensure this is happening.

In relation to the Hawke’s Bay case, to date, any exposures identified have been assessed as limited and the initial close contact results have come back negative.

“Anyone in the Hawke’s Bay, including Wairoa people, particularly those who have travelled in Hawkes Bay, with Covid-19 symptoms – no matter how mild – is encouraged to get tested, even if you are vaccinated.

“Our goal is to keep our whānau safe.”


23 November 2021

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