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Wairoa is now operating under the Government’s Red Traffic Light system and people are being encouraged to follow the guidelines.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said vaccine passes are key to entry to many services, including Council operated facilities.
“Our library staff have been run off their feet helping with vaccine passes. They assisted local people with 150 vaccine passes in one day and were booked out last week.
“If you need assistance to apply for and print a vaccine pass, please phone the library on 06 838 8450 to book an appointment.
“I would also like to praise Council staff who assisted local businesses to transition to the Government traffic light system.
“These are Government rules and regulations, but as a Council we have a responsibility to support our town and make sure everyone is prepared.
“Please don’t shoot the messenger, our staff are simply trying to help everyone in our district stay as safe as possible.
6 December 2021
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