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The Wairoa Lighthouse will be undergoing some refurbishment over the coming weeks.
With a fresh coat of paint and some internal structural repairs, the iconic Wairoa lighthouse will be spruced up in time for the summer season.
Wairoa District Council Engineering Manager, Jamie Cox says we briefed Council last month about our plans to give the lighthouse a little bit of TLC.
“Councillors were very clear that the lighthouse needed to look as historically accurate as possible.”
“They commended the need for making some structural repairs and improvements for health and safety reasons.”
“We just want to make sure that our lighthouse is looking her best in time for the summer season.”
“It’s an iconic part of our town and when locals return or visitors come to Wairoa, this is one of the ‘must-do’ photos that they have to get, so we just want to make sure our lighthouse is looking good, for our locals and visitors alike”, says Mr Cox.
For more information:
Kitea Tipuna
Communications Strategist
Wairoa District Council
31 October 2018
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