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Wairoa Mayor Craig Little is encouraging local women to apply for the Annie Aranui Scholarship.
The scholarship was set up in memory and recognition of Annie Aranui, the Ministry of Social Development Regional Commissioner for Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti, who sadly passed away in March of last year.
Mr Little held Annie in high regard describing her as approachable and personable. “She had her finger on the pulse, continually monitoring and working for the betterment of the communities she served.
“Annie was an enabler and would get stuck in at any level to ensure the wellbeing of the people in her district were being improved. I had tremendous respect for Annie and the work she led in the Wairoa community. Annie really is irreplaceable, and her sad passing was far too early.”
The Annie Aranui Scholarship is open now and closes on June 30 2022.
The scholarship aims to enable and support young mana wahine into the public sector including central and local government, iwi owned organisations and community-focussed NGOs
The scholarship is up to $5,000 to support mana wahine (17-24 years) in the workplace, including support for rangatahi already working to progress their development and career; individually tailored programmes to meet the rangatahi growth aspirations and support development e.g. te reo development, leadership training, specialised mentoring.
Annie served in the public sector for more than 36 years and her service was recognised with the New Zealand Public Service Medal in 2020.
She started her career in the public sector as a Māori Cadet with the NZ Employment Service. From there, she held leadership positions throughout the country including that of National Welfare Reform Change Manager and finally Regional Commissioner East Coast.
Annie’s approach as a leader centred around making a positive difference for our mokopuna. She achieved this using an inclusive style of leadership, strong values-based approach and determination to deliver outcomes for some of our most disadvantaged people.
Annie excelled in growing and developing great people and she put some of MSD’s best into other organisations. Annie was a champion of cadetships, internships and pathways for rangatahi and mana wahine.
For more information about the Annie Aranui Scholarship please contact info@hbyft.org.nz
18 March 2022
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