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Wairoa District Council is moving into recovery mode following more than a week of rain.
The weather bomb eased today, Wednesday, with the heavy rain watch lifted.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said it will be a long road to recovery, particularly for rural communities.
“We will continue to work with our communities in this recovery phase and our roading teams are working hard to restore access to isolated communities.
“At this time, we still have more than 20 roads closed and with many other roads only open to single lane with caution advised. Many of the roads that are now closed had already been opened and slips have closed them again.
“The continued rain has had a massive impact on our district, and we now have to work through the issues as best as we can.
“The rainfall has been massive in some areas. I have reports of a farm receiving over 600mm over the past fortnight including 200mm in less than 24 hours.
“Many farms are totally isolated, and farmers are contending with massive slips, access issues and damaged fences on their farms.”
If you or your family are affected by an emergency event, you may be able to get a Civil Defence Payment. This is currently available for people affected by flooding in the Wairoa and Gisborne Districts. You do not have to be on a benefit to qualify for a Civil Defence payment. For further information, please call the Work and Income general hotline on 0800 559 009.
For farmers wanting assistance phone East Coast Rural Support Trust on 0800 787 254.
Mr Little reminded people that all flood water should be treated as contaminated, do not drink from, play or swim in or near floodwater which may also be hiding hazards, such as potholes/manholes and sharp objects or tree debris.
Wash your hands thoroughly if you have been in contact with floodwaters and if it enters your home, you may need to evacuate.
People should also stay away from the river until further notice, as it may be contaminated by wastewater overflow. Authorities are continuing to monitor the situation.
Mr Little also reminded people to drive to the conditions and take care on the roads, there is a considerable amount of surface flooding, and the roads are slippery and wet, and we do not know what is under the surface water.
“We are working closely with contractors and providers across the district and are extremely grateful for the long hours that are being put in by the contractors, emergency services, Civil Defence staff, members of the community and Council staff from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Wairoa District Council.
For local roading closure information please visit www.wairoadc.govt.nz/roading and the NZTA’s website for State Highway closures https://www.journeys.nzta.govt.nz/hawkes-bay/.
If you notice any new slips, trees down, or other hazards please call the Council line, 06 838 7309 to report.
31 March 2022
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