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A local opportunity to lead a global enterprise team is available for Wairoa rangatahi.
The Wairoa Youth Council was awarded a Global Enterprise Leader Scholarship following the success of local rangatahi Treigh Akuhata Christy.
Treigh, the son of Karen Akuhata and Mark Christy, was awarded the Global Enterprise Experience Award after he and his global team designed a profitable social enterprise which fostered a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal using limited capital.
Global Enterprise Experience is a contest in leadership, cross cultural communication, social entrepreneurship and international business. Treigh was one of the 1360 participants from 228 universities and organisations in 55 countries to compete in the Global Enterprise Experience (GEE) contest. He was the team leader of the project proposal Biolight, a product which converts waste into clean energy.
The successful Wairoa candidate will lead a global team of eight to develop a business concept proposal that addresses a United Nation Sustainable Development Goals in 2022.
The leader scholarship is suited to a book-smart person who is ideally 18 years and over and prepared to lead a global team of eight people, the majority of who are third year university students.
The candidate will need to be committed as they will be required to pull the team together while juggling international time zone differences. They will have three weeks, starting April 27, to lead their team to develop a six-page business concept proposal for a profitable venture that addresses a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal using limited capital.
Support will be provided, including online interactive workshops, webinars, peer-support groups, resource materials, personal coaching.
As well as international recognition, there are monetary awards for the champion team, Peer-leader, and winning proposal.
If you are interested in finding out more or applying, please email alannah@wairoadc.govt.nz. Applications close next Wednesday, April 13.
5 April 2022
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