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Te Reinga Bridge closed

2022 04 07a

The Te Reinga Bridge on the Ruakituri Road has been closed to all vehicles due to significant damage, likely sustained during the recent weather event.

Two of the bridge piers have subsided and are on a lean and there is a bow in the bridge deck.

Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said based on engineering advice the bridge has been closed to all vehicles.

“The damage to the bridge will be assessed as soon as possible and the extent of the damage will determine the length of the closure and potential loading restrictions. "I cannot overstress that all people and all vehicles need to stay off the bridge as its safety has been compromised. Residents are able to take the detour route which is via Erepiti Road/Ohuka Road and State Highway 38.

Mr Tipuna acknowledged it has been a challenging time for people living in in the Ruakituri area and damage to the Te Reinga Bridge, the gateway to the Ruakituri Valley, is a further blow.

“I would like to thank everyone for their continued patience. Closing the bridge to all vehicles while further investigations take place has not been taken lightly and is for the safety of our community.”

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said it is a knock to the community to discover further infrastructure damage caused by the rainfall. I know this will be a bitter pill for the residents to swallow and we will do everything we can to escalate the repair work. The community has been very understanding of the conditions they have had to endure so far and I thank everyone for their patience.

“I take my hat off to local communities and local authority staff, the work that gets done at a local level so often goes unnoticed.”


7 April 2022

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