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Recovery the focus

2022 04 12

Recovery is a key focus of the Wairoa District Council following the recent heavy rain event. 

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said Council acknowledges the disruption and devastation this event has caused to people’s lives, particularly those in the Ruakituri community who have now suffered an additional blow with the closure of the Te Reinga Bridge due to structural damage.

The Government has released some funding for Wairoa in response to the impact from the recent high rainfall event. Up to $500,000 will be made available to Wairoa and Tairawhiti to help with the clean-up through the Enhanced Taskforce Green programme. Part of the Government’s response to supporting the recovery is making funding available so local councils or other authorised agencies can hire job seekers to help.

Minister for Social Development and Employment, Carmel Sepuloni said the recent flooding has been a significant and adverse event damaging farms, homes, roads and bridges. “This funding will mean local job seekers can be employed to help farmers clear debris and complete clean-up work on their properties.”

A further $150,000 has been made available to the Wairoa and Tairawhiti areas which will initially be used to undertake impact assessments to inform how funding will be distributed.

Wairoa District Council Recovery Manager Courtney Hayward said it will be really important for Wairoa farmers to take part in any surveys that will inform the assessments as that information will help to collate an immediate and long-term response to the localised need.

“A multi-agency approach to reaching out will be undertaken and while we recognise that farmers are really under the pump at the moment, I hope they are able to take part in this information gathering.”

There are also assessments being carried out including using satellite and GIS analysis methods which will support the data collection.

“Because Wairoa, as well as Tairawhiti and other parts of Hawke’s Bay, were affected by this event there is a focus on working collaboratively with all agencies across a co-ordinated effort. We understand the need is there and we want to be able to quantify this as much as possible to enable us to make a case for central government and support.  We encourage everyone to send in any additional information to the”

The district is also on standby for Cyclone Fili, a tropical cyclone that could cause coastal floods and is expected to bring gale force winds and heavy rain. “We know this is the last thing our already stressed community needs. Please be as prepared as possible for this forecasted weather event and let Council and recovery know if there is anything we can do to assist. Hang in there, your resilience has been proven and we know you will continue to demonstrate this.

“A further focus of the recovery is to support community outreach and any community initiatives, again please get in touch.”

Farmers, growers and communities can self-register for clean-up help by contacting 0800 834434 TFG HELP, Tairawhiti Wairoa Rural Support – East Coast Rural Support Trust.  People will also be referred based on information gathering.

Job seekers available to help with the clean-up effort can register at 

Anyone who would like to contact Council, either to support the district’s recovery or share information or needs is encouraged to please email recovery@wairoadc.govt.nzor phone 06 838 7309.



12 April 2022

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