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Barking is a normal and healthy means of communication for a domestic dog, such as a bark from excitement during play time or when there is an intruder. However, when the barking is not responded to in the appropriate manner it may become a nuisance.
Dog owners have a legal obligation to take all reasonable steps to ensure their dog’s barking does not cause a nuisance to others.
Persistent and loud barking or howling can arise from boredom or seeking attention. It’s extremely important that your dog is properly exercised, entertained and looked after to avoid this from happening. Here are some handy tips:
- Ensure your dog is comfortable.
- Spend time with your dog each day.
- Ensure your dog has adequate daily exercise.
- Provide a toy to keep your dog amused during the day. Rotate and restrict the dog’s toys as easy access to all toys will lead to boredom.
- Obedience exercises help stimulate your dog and prevent behavioural issues like nuisance barking.
- Hide some treats in the area where your dog is housed or in an appropriate dog toy to stimulate and amuse them.
- House your dog in a position where he/she cannot see things to bark at.
- House your dog with friends, family or a doggie day care, especially if you’re away for a full day or longer.
- NEVER hit your dog. This only builds mistrust and will not stop nuisance barking.
If you would like more information the team is always happy to help. Head over to www.wairoadc.govt.nz or get in touch with our Compliance Team via phone or email.
13 April 2022
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz