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Wairoa’s heavy rain warning has been upgraded to red level.
The Metservice has upgraded the Ex-Tropical Cyclone Fili severe weather warning for Wairoa and Gisborne with 250 - 350 mm of rain forecast for the Wairoa district and gales up to 120kmh forecast in exposed places.
Dangerous River conditions and flooding are expected. Slips and floodwaters will make driving conditions dangerous and will make some roads impassable isolating some rural communities.
Strong wind gusts could damage trees, powerlines and unsecured structures. Driving may be hazardous, especially for high-sided vehicles and motorcycles.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said Wairoa is working closely with Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Tairawhiti and other Hawke’s Bay Councils around the event.
“Locally, we will be working on the ground with the community to get through this rainfall. The situation is being monitored and agencies are working in response mode.
“Ex-Tropical Cyclone Fili is expected to hit the region later tonight. Now is the time to make any preparations needed eg moving at risk stock to higher ground and securing structures where needed and getting in any necessary supplies.
“Because our community is still recovering from the rainfall in March, this burst of further significant rain will cause additional slips and worsen damage to already saturated land. People need to be aware they may lose their power, and trees and landslides already impacted from the end of March weather event could now be further compromised.
“For those people who live close to waterways or steep slopes, then you should be prepared to evacuate. This weather event is likely to particularly going to impact coastal and rural areas, so we're encouraging farmers to move stock and equipment to high ground.
“Everyone should watch out for updates as the weather progresses and be prepared to move or seek help if they feel at risk.”
Stay up-to-date with forecasts at MetService, and check for updates on the HBCDEM Facebook page and website.
12 April 2022
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