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A total fire ban is now in place for the Māhia, Opoutama, Māhanga, Nūhaka and Mōrere areas (including all beaches and through SH2 to our northern boundary) in preparation for the holiday season says Wairoa District Council Rural Fire Officer, Paul van Dorrestein.
The total fire ban means that fires cannot be lit in the open.
"No permits will be issued, and all open-air fires are prohibited until further notice.”
The ban does not extend to gas-fired BBQs.
“Total fire ban signs have already gone up in the affected areas and we really want people to take heed of the message about the total fire ban season.”
“We really must commend the work of our rural volunteer fire fighters. They are all volunteers and they do so much for our community. We also have to acknowledge our forestry fire fighters. It’s a tough job to make sure our community is safe from fire during the summer season.”
“Anyone caught lighting a fire in the affected areas will be held responsible for putting that fire out, while there is a rage of cost depending on the size of the fire the minimum charge is $200.”
"If people have any concerns, they should contact me at council, this is a 24/7 service, but if you see an out of control fire call 111 immediately”, says Mr van Dorrestein.
For more information:
Kitea Tipuna
Communications Strategist
Wairoa District Council
(06) 838 7309
31 October 2018
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