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A labour focussed support package remains in place for weather related clean-up work for farmers, rural residents and properties.
Enhanced Taskforce Green (ETFG) can be used for removing debris from properties, fixing and re-installing fencing, cleaning stock troughs, clearing pathways for stock movement etc to enable paddocks to be used for stock grazing.
The programme can also assist with damage to community assets such as marae, business enterprises located on Māori land used for commercial purposes, community gardens, community halls, public recreational areas and also any properties when there is a recognised health and safety concern.
A working party will determine priority of the clean-up projects requiring ETFG, also taking into account health and safety needs.
MSD has contracted Turanga Ararau to employ, train and coordinate the workforce for both Wairoa and Tairawhiti, to assist with clean-up activities, ensuring workers are adequately trained and supported to complete the tasks and have the tools and equipment needed to do the tasks. EFTG workers may be job seekers and/or receiving a benefit, at risk of being disadvantaged in the labour market, or workers displaced from their jobs due to the emergency event.
Farmers, growers and communities can self-register for Taskforce Green clean-up help by contacting 0800 834434 TFG HELP, Tairawhiti Wairoa Rural Support – East Coast Rural Support Trust or head to;
People interested in doing this mahi, should contact MSD: Ronelle Lambert, Wairoa, Ph: 029 951 2017, e-mail: Ronelle.Lambert012@msd.govt.nz or eastcoastjobsteam@msd.govt.nz
Meanwhile, Civil Defence payments remain available for people affected by flooding in the Wairoa and Gisborne district.
You don't have to be on a benefit to qualify for a Civil Defence payment and in most cases it doesn’t matter what your income is or what assets you have.
For more information head to:
13 May 2022
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