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Farm assessment calls underway

farmer survey

Local farmers are urged to take part in a survey aimed at measuring the amount of damage and related needs created by the end of March/early April weather events.

The Wairoa and Gisborne Councils’ Recovery Managers have contracted the Federated Farmers to undertake the survey of local farmers. The information being gathered will inform ongoing recovery needs, for both now and future planning.

The survey is being paid for through the $50,000 MPI funding, which is also being used to identify more accurately the extent and distribution of the damage using Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping and investigating satellite imagery

The phone survey is underway. If you have not been contacted, please email

Meanwhile, the Wairoa Mayoral Relief Fund is open for applications. The fund is aimed at providing assistance across the entire Wairoa district for issues related to the severe weather events in March/April.

Priority will be given to:

  • Provision of essentials for daily life, transport needs and household contents.
  • Rebuild/recovery costs of buildings damaged by water or storm damage.
  • Essential items not covered by insurance or other funds.

Applications to the fund will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, by Wairoa Mayor Craig Little and Chairman of the Wairoa Taiwhenua Nigel How.

This funding was given to Wairoa by Civil Defence Emergency Management Minister Kiritapu Allan who visited our district and pledged $100,000 to the Mayoral Relief Fund. The funding will support people and communities to bounce back following the extreme weather events. Applications can be sent to

18 May 2022

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