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The first distribution of the Mayoral Relief fund was made to the Ruakituri community at last week’s acknowledgement of the Te Reinga Bridge.
Mayor Craig Little took the opportunity to present the first of the Mayoral Relief Funding allocations. This $5,100 donation of supermarket vouchers was given to Ruakituri residents in recognition of the disruption and increased costs they have experienced by the closure of the bridge.
The Wairoa Mayoral Relief Fund is still open for applications. Applications to the fund will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, by Mr Little and Chairman of the Wairoa Taiwhenua Nigel How.
The fund is aimed at providing assistance across the entire Wairoa district for issues related to the severe weather events in March/April.
Priority will be given to:
Applications can be sent to recovery@wairoadc.govt.nz
The first donation from the Mayoral Relief Fund was supermarket vouchers given to the Ruakituri community. Pictured is Nuku Hadfield receiving the vouchers on behalf of the Ruakituri community.
25 May 2022
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