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How to Contain Your Dog

Animal Control How to Contain Your Dog 01

Ensuring your dog is safely and comfortably contained is very important. Dogs that manage to get out and start roaming can become a serious issue and a safety risk for the community.

Dogs that roam are likely seeking something – a mate, food or attention. It’s important that your dog gets the care and attention they need and that they are contained properly to avoid:

- Your dog scaring or attacking people or other dogs

- Your dog becoming a traffic hazard

- Your dog hurting other wildlife

- Your dog creating a mess by going through rubbish bins/bags

To contain your dog, it’s important to check a few things on a regular basis. Make sure their collar and lead/chain are in good order, so they won’t break unexpectedly.

Securing your property means your dog can explore your backyard instead of the streets. Check that there are no gaps through which your dog can escape.

If you have no proper fencing, you can use a rope or chain to allow your dog to remain in your yard. Finally, frequently check locks on gates and kennels.

If you see a roaming dog, please call the Council on 06 838 7309 so the Compliance Team may be able to reunite the dog and owner. We will check the dog for identification in case it is lost/roaming. If the dog has no identification, it will be processed and held at our Dog Shelter. Once there, the owner is required to pay a fee for release of the dog. Repeat roaming will result in fines being issued.

When your dog goes missing it causes heartache and stress, so please ensure your pooch is secure at all times.

If you would like more information the team is always happy to help. Head to or get in touch with our Compliance Team, 06 838 7309.

29 May 2022

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