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Prepare your property for winter

property winter

Wet wintry weather is a reminder for householders to prepare their properties for winter rainfall to help avoid surface flooding.

Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said surface flooding is a common occurrence, especially when ground conditions are already wet.

“Our district has had a lot of rain over recent months so it is likely more rain events will cause more surface flooding. Property owners should check their spouting and downpipes. If you have Council stormwater drains/manholes on your property, keep them clear of debris so they are free draining.

“Ponding on your lawn or low-lying areas on your property is not flooding. While Council urges people to report any real flooding situations, we also ask that you keep in mind that heavier rainfalls will mean periods of surface flooding, and that is not necessarily a flooding event that needs Council’s attention.

“Flooding is where access is compromised or floodwaters are coming close to entering your home, and we would definitely need to hear about that. Every call we receive is triaged and usually surface water on driveways or flooding of sheds and garages, unless of course it is life threatening, is not a top priority.

“It should also be remembered that in most heavy rainfall events around the country, wastewater systems will come under pressure. While minimising risk is an absolute priority, our approach during a heavy rain event is to treat all water as though it is contaminated.

“During flooding events we work closely with the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board in relation to the heavy rain and flooding events and urge people to please avoid all flood waters, as it is difficult to know exactly what is in flood water at any given time.

“There is always a chance wastewater could become mixed with flood waters. If you have been in contact with any floodwaters, please wash your hands thoroughly and also stay away from waterways.”

3 June 2022

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