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Following submission hearings and deliberations, Wairoa’s elected members have adjusted the rating differentials to reflect, as closely as practicable, the principles and distribution of last year’s rating review.
The new differentials take into account last year’s Quotable Value property revaluation, which saw many properties significantly increase in value. These differentials are also reflective of the relative contributions to the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of the community.
Mayor Craig Little thanked all those people who took the time to make submissions saying elected members appreciated the opportunity to hear the views from the community.
“Last year’s rating review focussed on developing a system that is simple, affordable and appropriate. Our rating system now provides us with the tools to be able to adjust the differentials to reflect a similar spread to last year.”
To achieve this the differentials were adjusted to the following, Residential A and B at 1; residential properties valued at over $1M at 0.9, Commercial at 2.35, Forestry at 7.0 and Rural at 0.8.
Council received a total of 106 submissions to its Annual Plan, which sets the budget and rates amount for the upcoming year and describes the activities and community outcomes it hopes to achieve for the district.
Submitters from the rural industry acknowledged Council for the work undertaken in the 20/21 rating review, however, expressed concern that the implications of the QV valuations have changed the distribution and distracted from the principles of the review.
At the submission hearings, Council heard from a range of stakeholders who were generally in support of both the Community Centre and Museum being able to continue delivering current levels of service to the community. There was feedback that funding could be more appropriate as a one-off, rather than ongoing, and that these entities should be seeking funds from other avenues.
Council resolved to fund the Community Centre an additional $50,000, with Key Performance Indicators within the contract as well as exploration of Wairoa representation on the Sport Hawke’s Bay Board and the requirement for quarterly reports.
Council further resolved to increase funding to the Wairoa Museum, $100,000, to enable the museum to continue delivering the current level of service to the community. This funding will be ongoing but reviewed annually to take into consideration cost fluctuations.
Support for community facilities but not for additional rural rates rises were key themes in submissions to the Wairoa District Council 2022/23 Annual Plan.
Submissions from the rural sector were in response to the rating differential. Submitters requested Council adjust the forestry differential upwards to achieve the same spread as last year. Rural submitters also referenced rural mental health, the strain the rural sector is facing through central government pressure and the negative impacts on community wellbeing from the forestry sector.
The updated Annual Plan will be presented to Council at an extraordinary meeting at the end of June in order to be effective from July 1, 2022.
19 August 2022
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