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Dog owners are being urged to keep their dogs under control in a bid to help reduce the escalating number of dog related attacks.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said there has been an increase in roaming dogs, dog bites and attacks on people and other dogs.
Over the last couple of weeks there have been three attacks on people who have needed hospital treatment and one severe attack on another dog which resulted in vet treatment.
Mr Tipuna said in a recent incident the attacking dog was not handed in to Council officers and disappointingly the dog owner did not take accountability for the dog’s actions.
“There is an increasing need for dog owners to take responsibility. We have already seen the extreme results of dog attacks on people and this situation will only get worse while dog owners do not take responsibility for keeping their dogs under control at all times.
“Council staff are spending a lot of time and resources on incidents where the dog owners are clearly not abiding by the rules. The council has a responsibility to protect the public and if dog owners continue to be non-compliant the result will be the dog being euthanised. This is a last resort that no one wants, and it is up to dog owners to step up and take responsibility to avoid this type of result.”
“The message is simple, if you want to own a dog you need to be a responsible dog owner.”
If you are aware of roaming dogs please get in touch with Council’s Compliance Team: compliance@wairoadc.govt.nz or phone Council on 06 838 7309.
19 August 2022
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