Current filter:
To be able to vote in the upcoming Wairoa District Council election you need to be registered on the Parliamentary Roll by August 12, 2022.
By now you should have received a letter from the Electoral Commission checking that the personal details they have recorded for you are correct.
If you haven’t received a letter, you can also check that you are enrolled, or update your details, via www.vote.nz You can also use this site to check to see if you are eligible to vote, or if you need to enrol in order to vote for the first time.
Anyone who will turn 18 by the time of the elections, October 8, is able to pre enrol now. They will then be automatically enrolled on their 18th birthday.
In September, your voting papers will be posted to the address you have provided in your electoral details, so it is important your information is up to date.
To check your details, or to enrol, you can also pop into the Wairoa District Council office and fill in a form or call 0800 36 76 56 and ask for a form to be sent to you.
After August 12, anyone who is not enrolled will need to arrange a special vote by contacting the Wairoa District Council Electoral Officer Juanita Savage at the Council by phoning 06 838 7309.
August 12 is also the date that nominations for the positions of Mayor and councillors close. If you would like a nomination paper and candidate information handbook sent out, again, please contact the Wairoa District Council Electoral Officer Juanita Savage by phoning Council on 06 838 7309.
Nomination papers and the candidate information booklet are also available on Council’s website www.wairoadc.govt.nz
The Council website also has a range of electoral information including answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
19 August 2022
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz