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Wairoa District Council is meeting requirements around its roading Activity Management Plan (AMP).
The plan is a key strategic funding document linking the Council’s activities and associated Levels of Service to achieving the desired outcomes.
A recent review of Council’s 2021/2024 Activity Management Plan recorded that Council had produced a ‘Good’ plan which is the highest level of the assessment.
The review was carried out by the Road Efficiency Group (REG), a collaborative initiative between the NZ Transport Agency, Local Government New Zealand and the Road Controlling Authorities) of New Zealand, that supports the transport sector to deliver a modern integrated system to align with the objectives of local, regional and central government.
The review saw Wairoa’s grading remained the same as its previous 2018/21 plan - which is above the regional and national average.
Scores are measured by systems, evidence, communication, benefit delivery, decision-making, service delivery, quality improvement and people and culture.
The Road Efficiency Group stated, the information included in the Activity Management Plan is clear and easy to understand, with a good summary section and is structured so that infrastructure and investment requirements are clearly communicated through the strategic and programme cases.
Other areas highlighted as Council performing exceedingly well include presenting the line of sight, strategic context, options assessment, gap assessment and integration of wellbeings.
The report stated, the investment narrative is good, with clear links to decision-making and value for money is given due importance with adequate trade-off discussions included.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said it is always encouraging to receive independent assessments of where Wairoa is sitting.
“Council has a lot of legislative compliance requirements that go on behind the scenes that are both necessary and important. The Activity Management Plan is an example of assessing targets we need to meet. The Road Efficiency Group Activity Management Plan is complementary to the Waka Kotahi investment assessment, which is about investing in transport outcomes, whereas the Activity Management Plan considers a multitude of other evidence such as asset condition, and delivery aspects when the assessment is completed.
“It is great to know we are well above where we need to be and that there are also areas where we can continue to grow and improve.”
31 August 2022
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