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Voting in this year’s Local Body Election closes at midday tomorrow - Saturday October 8.
There is still time to make your vote count by returning your voting papers via the secure voting box at the Wairoa District Council.
Council offices are open today (Friday, October 7) until 4.30pm and will be open tomorrow morning, Saturday, from 9am until noon.
As at this afternoon, 43.6% of eligible voters had returned their voting papers. That represents 2,425 of the 5563 electors. A total of 49.1% (1575 electors) have voted in the General Ward and 36.0% (850 electors) in the Māori Ward.
Wairoa’s voting returns are slightly up for this election compared to the last election with 42.9% of returns recorded for the same period in 2019.
A reminder, anyone who would like to vote but hasn’t received their voting papers should call into the Wairoa District Council office on Queen Street or contact the electoral officer, Juanita Savage, by phoning 06 838 7309, so a special vote can be arranged.
It is now too late to return your voting papers by post but voting papers can be returned via the secure voting box at the Wairoa District Council.
Progress results relating to the Wairoa District Council election will be published on Council’s website tomorrow afternoon.
8 October 2022
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz