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Register now for the Christmas float parade

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Wairoa’s Marine Parade will be transformed into a nursery rhyme extravaganza as part of this year’s Christmas festivities.

Anticipation is building for the long-awaited Wairoa Christmas Parade and Boulevard Day which will feature a nursery rhyme theme and a focus on our tamariki.

With COVID slowing Christmas festivities over recent years, there has been a huge interest in supporting this year’s Yuletide celebrations.

Registrations are now open for all those who would like to join in the float parade.

The parade will take place on Saturday December 10, from 2pm.  The traditional chain of floats will meander along the main street and back again, featuring a range of nursery rhyme characters – which could include localised versions of Bo Peep, Little Jack Horner, Baa Baa Black Sheep and Humpty Dumpty.

There will be a selection of prizes up for grabs at the prizegiving which will take place at the lighthouse at 3.30pm. Categories include, first place and runners-up in the best commercial float, best education provider float, best community organisation float and best overall float.

There will also be a range of boys and girls best costume prizes as well as an overall best costume.

Prizegiving will be followed by a free family concert under the lighthouse.

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said people are really keen to get behind this year’s parade and festivities.

“Main street businesses will offer Boulevard Day style bargains and it is hoped people who turn out to watch the parade will also tautoko Wairoa and support local businesses.

“A sausage sizzle with meat kindly donated by Affco will also feature with a koha donation where Council will match what is raised and the money will be donated to the Wairoa Fire Brigade.

“There will also be an area set up outside the burnt-out buildings renovation where people have registered to run stalls from.

“We are all really looking forward to the parade and our Wairoa community coming together for fun and festivities. Don’t forget to register by collecting your registration form from the i-Site or emailing

For more information, please contact Rubyanne Edwards on 8387440 or 0272741548.

17 October 2022

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