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Wairoa Mayor elected to LGNZ national council

Mayor Craig Little 2 web

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little has been elected to the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) National Council.

Membership of LGNZ is divided into zones and sectors, with the four-term local Mayor elected to represent Zone Three, which the Wairoa District Council is part of, along with 17 other North Island Councils.

Mr Little said it was an honour to have been elected to the National Council by fellow Mayors within Zone Three.

“We work hard at a local level, and through Zone Three at a regional level. Being on the National Council will go even further to ensuring Wairoa’s voice and thoughts are heard. This is a great opportunity to be part of LGNZ to advocate on behalf of New Zealand’s 78 local, regional and unitary councils.”

Mr Little said during his time as Mayor he had continually promoted Wairoa and raised the district’s profile. “Having a seat on the National Council is a great way to continue this momentum.”

Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) provides the vision and voice for local democracy in Aotearoa by supporting andadvocating for councils across New Zealand, ensuring the needs and priorities of their communities and residents are heard at the highest levels of central government.

The focus of the National Council of elected members is on being future-fit, proactive and inclusive and supporting LGNZ to empower councils and support them to thrive – culturally, economically, socially and environmentally.

30 November 2022

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