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Whānau wellbeing through self-management

Tihei Wairoa, the Locality Prototype working group, met at Kahungunu Marae recently along with invited guests and support representatives from Te Whatu Ora, including National Director Commissioning Abbe Anderson, front, second from left.

Supporting whānau to self-manage their holistic wellness is a goal of the Locality Partnership, Tihei Wairoa Working Group.

The group is progressing its locality plan for the Wairoa district which is focussed around a fresh and innovative approach to health and wellbeing for all local people.

Recently the group met at Kahungunu Marae at Nuhaka where visiting guest, Te Whatu Ora National Director Commissioning Abbe Anderson praised the local approach.

“The work that is being undertaken confirms what we know, that community has the answers. My aim is to make sure whānau and communities are at the top of the system, in their rightful place in the decision-making seat.

“This locality approach gives groups like Tihei Wairoa the opportunity to figure out what really needs to change for them, to produce better health outcomes and make a difference.

“Only whānau and communities can determine what matters to them. Are people happy, healthy, and do they have access to what they need? It is about fundamentals and Wairoa is heading in the right direction. I have every confidence Wairoa are going to smash it.”

Eight months ago, Wairoa was selected as a Locality Prototype, to test how it can plan for, and deliver, health and social services in a different way that better meets the needs of Wairoa people.

The locality approach to planning has been set up as part of the health reforms with Wairoa’s Locality, Tihei Wairoa, working towards the vision that ‘All whānau across the Wairoa district are thriving’.

The new approach will focus on helping whānau stay well by giving whānau, communities and iwi a strong voice in deciding what’s needed in their local area and having different health and wellbeing organisations working together.   

The Locality Partnership, Tihei Wairoa Working Group, includes the following members: Enabled Wairoa, Kahungunu Executive ki te Wairoa Charitable Trust, Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust, Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Incorporated, Queen Street Practice, Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust, Te Iwi O Rakaipaaka Trust, Te Whare Maire o Tapuwae Trust and Wairoa District Council.

Tihei Wairoa group member and Kahungunu Executive general manager Sarah Paku said the group acknowledges that historically, while healthcare has been delivered in Wairoa, the poor health statistics have not changed.

She said key to progressing towards improved health and wellbeing is supporting whānau to be self-managing.

“Grassroots work needs to start with people’s living habits, learning new sustainable skills like growing food, cooking and budgeting, all help make people healthy. Food and exercise are medicine and learning self-responsibility can support whānau in the long-term. “Education, advocacy and understanding are all part of improving services.

“Traditionally health services have been designed for the sick, and that system is disconnected and complicated, and in Wairoa’s case often hard to access. We need a system that develops confidence, wellness and self-management

“As we head into our next stage of gathering community voice, we encourage people to tell us what is important to them, what is good for them and how they can access that.

Caption: Tihei Wairoa, the Locality Prototype working group, met at Kahungunu Marae recently along with invited guests and support representatives from Te Whatu Ora, including National Director Commissioning Abbe Anderson, front, second from left.

7 December 2022

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