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Know our Water Wairoa

General web 2016x1333

This summer all Hawke's Bay residents are being encouraged to really get to know our water as part of a regional water conservation approach.

Freshwater is a finite resource – we’ve got to look after it. If we take more out than we need, or if we don’t protect it, the whole environment is affected – both above and below ground. So, it’s our responsibility to keep that balance right.

The Wairoa township’s water is sourced from the Waiau River which rises in Te Urewera and flows to join the Wairoa River near Frasertown. From the Waiau River around 1.2 billion litres are extracted each year to meet the needs of Wairoa, Frasertown and Affco.

Water is treated at the Frasertown Water Treatment Plant, with an average flow rate of 7000 cubic metres of water treated each day before being pumped to the boundary reservoirs for distribution.

Water is recognised as the lifeblood of the region; it supports our economic prosperity, our lifestyle and our wellbeing.

When the sun is shining and our water use is on the up – it’s the responsibility of all of us to use water wisely so that we preserve the resource, protect the environment, and make sure we all have enough - especially during our long hot summers.

In summer our local water consumption skyrockets and we use nearly twice as much as we do in the wintertime.

While we should always be mindful of not wasting this precious resource, it is particularly important to reduce use during dry seasons by putting off cleaning the car, letting the lawn brown off, and reducing garden watering to a minimum.

Being mindful of water usage looks different for everyone. The key thing is that the little changes do all add up. For a few water-saving tips that can make a difference, head to Wairoa District Council’s website and search #water conservation.

14 December 2022

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