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Kiwis are being encouraged to have a “prep talk” with their whānau and friends as part of a new disaster preparedness campaign that uses humour to get across a serious message.
Acting Director Emergency Management Roger Ball says the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)’s “Have a Prep Talk” new campaign is timely, as research shows people are most motivated to get prepared when faced with an emergency themselves.
“We need to face facts - disasters like the recent floods and extreme weather events are going to become more frequent and more severe as a result of climate change. But the good news is that being prepared is easier than you think – and can get started with a conversation.”
Roger Ball says “Have a Prep Talk” uses humour to encourage New Zealanders to get prepared for a disaster by talking things through with their whānau or friends.
The campaign depicts a spirited young girl leading a prep talk with her whānau to get them ready for a disaster. The campaign video can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/2DheTk-01To
“This is a light-hearted and relatable campaign that uses humour to get across a very serious message. Disasters can happen anytime and anywhere, but we can all take simple steps to get ready.”
Roger Ball says there’s still plenty of time to get prepared ahead of the potential impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle.
“Having a prep talk only takes a few minutes and it costs nothing. To get started, check out getready.govt.nz, which has all the advice you need including a section on how to make a plan.”
Roger Ball says getting prepared helps authorities and communities to respond effectively.
“In an emergency, Civil Defence and emergency services will be pulling out all the stops to keep people safe and give communities the support they need. Being prepared helps them to do their job, by focusing on where the need is most pressing.”
The Prep Talk campaign touches on a handful of themes – who will pick the kids up from school, checking on your neighbours, ensuring pets are included in your plan, and making a plan with your flatmates. The campaign presents household preparedness through the eyes of an everyday New Zealand whānau, with messages that are relatable to everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Roger Ball says the 2022 Annual Disaster Preparedness Survey shows only one third of Kiwis have taken any steps to prepare themselves or their households for a disaster in the past 12 months.
“With severe weather events increasing in frequency, severity and duration, and with research showing a large Alpine Fault rupture is likely in the next 50 years, household preparedness has never been more important.
Roger Ball says the Get Ready website has been translated into fourteen languages, and meets national and international accessibility standards.
The campaign will run in 60, 30, 15 and 6 second formats on television and online streaming services, supported by social media and bus shelter promotion.
10 February 2023
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