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Tenders for Te Reinga Bridge open

Te Reinga Bridge Rendering

The tender process for the Te Reinga Bridge is now open.

Tenders went live at midday on Thursday, February 9, and close on March 3.

Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said going out to tender for the Te Reinga Bridge repair project is a big milestone and a step in the right direction.

The bridge was closed to all vehicles in early April last year, after sustaining significant damage, likely caused during the extreme weather events, with two of the bridge piers subsided and a bow in the bridge deck.

Repairing the bridge was the chosen option which will involve adding a new pier at the mid-span of the bridge and removing both damaged piers. Underpinning of the existing abutment will be required, as well as slope stability and ground improvement work. The existing steel girders will be strengthened and painted.

Mr Tipuna said repairing this gateway bridge is a significant project for the Council and also for the connectivity of the Ruakituri and Te Reinga residents. Thank you to our communities who have been very patient over the disruptions to this vital route and we are looking forward to having a resilient solution that will reinstate Te Reinga Bridge to its full operating capacity. 

“Once construction starts there will be further challenges and we will endeavour to mitigate as many disruptions as possible. Thank you to everyone who has worked to get to this important stage of the process to ensure a resilient piece of infrastructure for now and into the future. We are looking forward to full access and connectivity being provided to these impacted communities.

“A reminder, there are restrictions under the temporary repair with the bridge only open to light vehicles with a three-tonne limit at any one time, a 10km speed limit and only one vehicle on the bridge at a time please.”

Photo Caption: Pictured is an artist’s impression of what the repaired Te Reinga Bridge could look like.

10 February 2023

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