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Wairoa District Council is now asking the local community to have its say on whether it should make any changes to its current Class Four Gaming Venue Policy and its TAB Venue Policy.
Consultation on the policies are now open and will close at the end of June. Summary of information and submission forms can be collected from Council's main office in Wairoa or online at www.wairoadc.govt.nz.
Council hasn't reviewed its Class Four Gaming Venue Policy since 2014, when four submissions were made on several points.
These points included having a dedicated security person for venues, replacing a "sinking lid" policy with a cap on current venues and machine numbers, and the importance of community funding to Wairoa groups from gaming trusts, among other issues.
Over time, the number of machines and venues has decreased in the Wairoa district due to the closure of four venues since 2001.
There are four venues and 58 gaming machines in the Wairoa District, and this year there are no proposals for additional venues or gaming machines throughout the district.
Written submissions on the Review of Wairoa District Council’s Class Four Gaming Venue Policy and TAB Venue Policy can be made up until 5pm, Friday 30th of June.
Those who make a written submission may choose to make an oral submission. Hearings of oral submissions are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday 11th of July at 10am.
Please indicate on your submission forms if you wish to speak to your submission.
If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Knight, Council's Governance Advisor and Policy Strategist.
+646 838 7309
TAB Venue Policy
Gaming Venue Policy
TAB Venue Policy
Gaming Venue Policy
7 January 2019
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