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More rain forecast - be prepared

Screenshot 2023 02 17 at 6.21.11 PM

Contingency plans are in place for alerting and evacuating people if the forecasted heavy rain late today (Friday) and tomorrow causes flooding that will threaten lives or property.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s hydrologists have assessed the expected impacts of the rainfall, and are at this stage comfortable that major rivers, including the Wairoa River, would remain within their existing channels.

Wairoa Emergency Operations Centre Duty Controller Nathan Heath said although we take confidence from the advice we are receiving; we are planning for all eventualities. That includes contingency plans for evacuations, we are taking no chances.

Trigger points are being set for alerting at-risk residents and ordering evacuations.

Mr Heath stressed that people did not need to wait for an official order to evacuate and should move early if they did not feel safe at home.

The remote monitoring network for river levels is being augmented with people on the ground who will be monitoring critical areas in person from tomorrow, including overnight.

“Wairoa is still under a State of Emergency and in response mode. The Emergency Operations Centre remains fully operational. If needed additional facilities are ready to be stood up for evacuation and extra support staff are in town. If you need emergency help ring 111.

“We know this will be an anxious time for everyone who was affected by Cyclone Gabrielle advice at this stage is simple”:

  • Keep up with the weather forecasts from MetService.
  • Listen to advice from the Regional Council about river levels, particularly if you live in a floodplain (low-lying areas adjacent to rivers).
  • Talk to others in your household and make a plan for what you will do if the rain causes flooding.
  • Pack a grab-bag with clothes, medical supplies and things that are special for you.
  • Make a plan for your pets.
  • Do not wait for an official warning to evacuate, if you feel unsafe at home you should move early.
  • Try and stay with whānau or friends.
  • Plan ahead so that once the heavy rain begins you are prepared and you can avoid unnecessary travel.

For the latest information about our Cyclone Gabrielle response, please click the button below.

Cyclone Gabrielle

24 February 2023

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