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Inspecting Wairoa’s bridges is a priority.
Around 115 of the district’s 178 bridges have been inspected. Continued heavy rainfall is hampering progress.
Of those inspected bridges:
Te Reinga Bridge, Ruakituri Road, and Te Puna Bridges, Mangapoike Road both have missing or broken piers and are closed.
Glenbrook Bridge, Glenbrook Road, in the Waikare area has been washed away, the road is closed.
There is major damage to the Opoiti Bridge approach (Tiniroto Road) and a temporary Bailey bridge has been installed.
There is a major scour at a Tukemokihi Bridge, Mangapoike Road, pier with the bridge under speed and light vehicles only restrictions.
The Kakariki Stream large culvert is missing. This is on the Kakariki Farm Road.
A blocked culvert at Willowflat Road at around the 11km mark has caused a huge scour through the road.
There is also a lot of damage to bridge guard rails and other scour issues which are being monitored.
Inspections will continue to be carried out. If any members of the public have a concern about a particular bridge, please contact the Wairoa District Council either via the website or please phone 06 838 7309.
Caption: Te Puna Bridge on the Mangapoike Road is one of the bridges on the Wairoa roading network which sustained damage as a result of Cyclone Gabrielle.
For more information about our Cyclone Gabrielle response, please click the button below.
28 February 2023
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