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The Wairoa Mayoral Relief Fund, established in response to the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle and the subsequent heavy rainfall event, is now open for applications.
The local fund is aimed at supporting Wairoa District residents most affected by the cyclone and weather event.
The fund comprises just over $1 million made up of donations and just over $200,000 from the Givealittle fundraiser page. Donations are ongoing.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said the fund only exists because of the generosity of the people who have made donations. “These donors wanted the funding to go directly to support Wairoa people who are most in need. We are tremendously grateful for the generosity of hundreds of people whose donations will help our whānau rebuild in the wake of such destruction.”
Mr Little said the first tranche of funding will see $600,000 distributed to directly support local people and will enable donors to see how their generosity can help our local people, businesses, groups and organisations.
Applications will be considered based on immediate recognised need in the community and where the applicant has suffered a financial loss, or is experiencing financial hardship because of the weather events.
The first tranche of funding prioritises white, yellow and red stickered households, affected businesses including landowners and land users, impacted marae, churches, community organisations and groups, as well as community groups supporting the clean-up at their expense.
A panel to review applications and allocate the Mayoral Relief Fund will be appointed by Mr Little and will include the Chair of Wairoa Taiwhenua and community members. The panel will also include an independent member from Council’s Finance, Assurance and Risk committee.
Mr Little said receiving funds from the local fund does not prevent people from also applying to the additional funds available from other sources including the greater Hawke’s Bay Relief Fund, Central Government business support, as well as various individuals and businesses offering help and through Givealittle.co.nz. funding
Applications can now be made by scanning the QR code or the following link, https://www.wairoadc.govt.nz/our-council/cyclone-gabrielle/wairoa-mayoral-relief-fund?stage=Stage , or call into the Wairoa District Council offices to collect a form, or ask for assistance and a staff member will fill out the form with you.
17 March 2023
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