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More than $150,000 from the Wairoa Mayoral Relief Fund has been distributed to local people impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.
To date 85 applications have been processed. Of these 64 were successful, and 21 are being followed up.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little and the funding panel members are thrilled to be rolling the fund out and being able to support flood impacted whānau.
The panel to review applications and allocate the Mayoral Relief Fund comprises Nigel How Chair of Wairoa Taiwhenua, well-respected North Clyde resident Hine Kohn and Mr Little. The panel is also observed by an independent member of Council’s Finance, Assurance and Risk Committee, and Recovery Manager Benita Tahuri.
So far, the panel has met twice to consider applications and will continue to meet regularly. Mr Little acknowledged Nigel and Hine saying the calibre of these people, along with their local knowledge has been extremely valuable and is allowing funds to be distributed as quickly as possible. Mr Little said the local fund is aimed at supporting Wairoa district residents who have been affected by the cyclone and the subsequent weather event. “We know our people need assistance and we encourage everyone who has been impacted to make an application.”
Mr Little also acknowledged the generosity of the people who have made donations to the fund and have supported Wairoa people to recover from the destruction of the weather events. “The number and amounts of donations Wairoa is receiving is overwhelming and we are truly grateful. Donations are still coming in and on behalf of all of our community we are very appreciative of this support.
Applications to the Wairoa Mayoral Relief Fund are considered based on immediate recognised need, where the applicant has suffered a financial loss, or is experiencing financial hardship because of the weather events.
The first tranche of funding prioritises white, yellow and red stickered households, affected businesses including landowners and land users, impacted marae, churches, community organisations and groups, as well as community groups supporting the clean-up at their expense.
Of the applications that have been processed so far, around 30 were from individuals and seven from businesses.
There are a further 36 applications waiting to be processed and applications are coming in on a daily basis.
Recovery Manager Benita Tahuri said her key message is to encourage all affected whānau to apply for this funding. “We want to be able to help you and this funding can go towards your rebuilding and recovery. There are a number of ways you can apply to the fund and there is assistance to help people complete their application.”
Receiving funds from the local fund does not prevent people from also applying to the additional funds available from other sources including the greater Hawke’s Bay Relief Fund, Central Government business support, as well as various individuals and businesses offering help and through givealittle.co.nz funding.
Applications can now be made by scanning the QR code or the following link https://www.wairoadc.govt.nz/our-council/cyclone-gabrielle/wairoa-mayoral-relief-fund/ or call into the Wairoa Young Achievers building on Marine Parade (in the former Westpac building), the Wairoa District Council offices or Wairoa i-Site to collect a form, or ask for assistance and a staff member will fill out the form with you.
14 April 2023
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