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Moisture meters available to borrow

moisture meter

Checking the moisture levels of internal walls at flood-affected properties has just become easier with 20 moisture metres now available for homeowners to borrow.

Reducing moisture levels is vital to tackling the final stages of building repairs. Many homes that were flooded had initial internal moisture readings of 40% and higher. The houses need to dry and moisture levels need to drop to 18% or less before interior walls can be lined.

Rather than having a member of the Wairoa District Council building team carry out initial moisture readings, homeowners can now do their own readings and track progress.

Through the generosity of Wairoa Taiwhenua, 20 moisture meters have been purchased and can be borrowed from the Council.

Removal of under house silt, warm windy weather, the use of dehumidifiers and heating all help to lower internal moisture levels. Having the additional meters means people can pop into the Council offices, be shown how to use the meter and check the moisture levels themselves.

Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said while this work is challenging, it is great to see some progress around the removal of silt and flood repair work.

“Thanks to the Taiwhenua, people can now easily check the moisture levels of internal walls.

When you collect the moisture meters the Council building team can also provide guidance on what further steps are needed before the Council building team inspects your property.

“A reminder to all homeowners, the following flood reinstatement checklist will need to be completed prior to Council’s building team carrying out a final verification moisture test to have a white sticker removed and before wall coverings and insulation can be reinstated."

moisture meter table

19 May 2023

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