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Silt, debris and flood-damaged items left over from Cyclone Gabrielle are still causing issues.
People are being asked to please let the Council know if they need silt or other items collected by following the CSR (Customer Service Request) process.
“When silt and items are left on the curb side and Council hasn’t been requested to pick them up, the silt can seep into stormwater and wastewater lines and create blockages said Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna.
“The CSR process is centralised and enables Council to monitor where loads are being collected from and if necessary, arrange for pipes to be flushed as a prevention.
“At the moment, we are getting a lot of blocked drains, especially where people have left silt or other items sitting on the curb side and not requested Council to collect it. As we head into winter this problem will only become worse.
“By filling out a CSR, the silt or damaged items will be collected reducing the potential for silt to run into drains.
“Our town’s stormwater and wastewater have been through a lot, and what we are seeing is usual given the extreme weather event we have been through. However, to try and lessen the future impact please don’t just leave your silt on the curb side, let us know, and let us know too if you see a job that we need to get to. Early intervention when possible is always preferable.
We are trying to be proactive, but we can’t be everywhere at once so really need the support of eagle-eyed locals.
To lodge a Customer Service Request:
26 May 2023
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