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Are you eligible for a rate rebate?
There are only a couple of days left for low-income homeowners (ratepayers) to apply for a rates rebate in the 2022/23 rating year.
Each year hundreds of local Wairoa ratepayers meet the criteria to successfully receive a rate rebate. The scheme provides a subsidy on the cost of rates, and locals are encouraged to check their eligibility with the Council. Under the current rating year, assistance of up to $700 may be available if you meet the criteria. Applications for this rating year close on June 30, and claims cannot be made for the past rates year.
Meanwhile, applications for the new 2023/rating year will open from July 1, 2023. The rebate will increase to $750, and the income abatement threshold will increase to $30,100.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said the rates rebate programme is ideal for local people to receive financial assistance to help pay their Wairoa District Council rates.
“The rates rebate scheme is government-driven and involves a credit for people who pay rates and meet the rebate criteria.
“Locally, much of the scheme’s administration is completed by Wairoa District Council staff on the Government’s behalf. Homeowners make their applications to the Council, which are then forwarded to the Department of Internal Affairs for approval.
“Even if a ratepayer’s income might exceed the base income threshold, a partial rates rebate could still be available depending on variables such as household income, number of dependents, and the level of rates being paid.
“The majority of rates rebates applications are from super annuitants who receive the maximum rates rebate, but there are many other people out there who could qualify for full or partial relief.
“This scheme provides important financial support for many households, and we want to ensure everyone who could benefit from the scheme does.
“There is an online calculator to check whether you should put in an application, www.govt.nz (enter rates rebate), or drop in or phone the Council office where staff can discuss the eligibility criteria and help complete the application forms if needed.”
For more information: https://www.wairoadc.govt.nz/services/properties-and-rates/rates/rates-rebate/
29 June 2023
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