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Repurposing silt has become a focus for the Wairoa District Council.
So far,In the vicinity of 40,000 tonnes of silt has been removed from flood-impacted areas, particularly from around and under homes and other public areas.
A key issue now is what to do with the silt with Council looking for landowners who may be able to assist.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said truckloads of silt could be ideal for a landowner to fill in a gulley or hollow, or level an area. “It is a win-win as the Council does not have to pay for a place to dispose of the silt and it costs the landowner nothing.
“We know there is a lot more silt to be cleared so it would be great if people from the community could let us know if they can help out.
“Silt testing directly after the cyclone, confirmed that the silt does not need to be contained, go to the landfill or be treated as hazardous waste. However, the presence of pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses needed to be managed. While immediately after flooding the levels will be higher, they will naturally reduce over time.
Please call the Wairoa District Council on 06 838 7309 to register your interest.
29 June 2023
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