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Waste management a Council focus


How Wairoa’s waste is managed now and into the future is a big focus for the Wairoa District Council.

The Council is currently working with the Central Government on its waste management options and also wants feedback from the community.

Waste minimisation will be a key discussion when the Council starts its Annual Plan consultation next month.

Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said before Cyclone Gabrielle, the Council was considering its waste options. At that time, the Wairoa landfill cell had around five years' capacity left. Cyclone Gabrielle, and the June 2024 flooding, saw over 20,000 tonnes of cyclone/silt-related waste taken to the landfill – more than five times Wairoa’s average annual waste, significantly reducing Wairoa’s landfill capacity.

“We are making inquiries around different options at the moment. That includes an arrangement to transport waste to Omaranui in Hawke’s Bay, but this has not yet started.”

Mr Tipuna said Wairoa has two immediate issues around waste disposal. Firstly, our current landfill cell capacity is running out, and secondly, we need to build resilience in case we are hit by another event and/or road closures. We are also working to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills. On average, our landfill cell receives around 3,500 tonnes a year. By reducing the amount of waste the landfill cell receives, we will have less waste to manage and, therefore, less associated costs.

“Our future is all about living more sustainably. As a community, we need to focus on reducing, reusing, repairing and recycling, from both environmental and cost perspectives.”

17 March 2025

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