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Economic Development is viewed as a vital element in keeping the Wairoa District alive and thriving, both now and into the future. WDC works closely with the community to develop ideas and assist in turning thoughts into reality. This happens on many levels – from small community initiatives to large scale plans involving multiple entities.
Economic Development is a key area of development for the Wairoa District. With the implementation of the Government’s regional growth programmes, regional economic development plans are now in place for the Hawke’s Bay (Matariki – Regional Economic Development Strategy) and for Tairāwhiti (Te Huarahi Hei Whai Oranga - The Tairāwhiti Economic Action Plan).
This connected approach to economic development not only benefits Wairoa as a community but also demonstrates to the wider region the efforts that Wairoa is contributing to economic development in our very unique Wairoa way.
This Economic Development Plan looks at a collaborative approach to economic development for the Wairoa district, partnering with interested parties to develop further a Council environment which assists businesses and individuals to bring about real change for Wairoa and supporting whanau within the district to realise their full potential where relevant and appropriate.
To find out more about how these themes have been developed into a plan, click here.
Building plans for the Wairoa Marine Parade revitalisation project are nearing completion and we are seeking to formalise arrangements with prospective tenants. The revitalisation project involves the renovation/rebuilding of the Winter’s buildings (corner of Marine Parade and Locke Street) and the next door Gemmell’s buildings (often referred to as the ‘burnt-out-buildings’) on Marine Parade.
Following on from our first call for Expressions of Interest, we are now progressing to the next level to ensure the development meets the requirements of the tenants. Click on the button below to download the Information & Application Package. Make sure to return your application by Wednesday 30 September 2020.
The Wairoa District Council is working alongside with iwi and hapu, the business sector, central government agencies and other local authorities in our region on this strategy and the actions resulting out of it. The aim is to grow jobs across the region, increase household incomes and raise Hawke’s Bays economic performance up into the top quarter of New Zealand regions.
To achieve these aims, the strategy sets out the steps needed to help existing businesses who want to grow to do so, attract new business, promote great new ideas, attract skilled migrants to work in the areas in which we need more people and plan major public projects that benefit the whole region.
'Every household and every whānau is actively engaged in, contributing to and benefiting from, a thriving Hawke’s Bay economy.'
'Ko te kainga, ko te whānau te pūtake; he tau-utuutu te hononga ko te ōhanga o te matau a māui e pakari nei.' - Matariki REDs
For more information please visit:
The Wairoa River is an important part of Wairoa's identity.
Over time invasive species, deforestation, and people accessing the river edge have caused erosion along many sections of the river which in some cases has increased sediment deposition in some areas.
Now is the time to take action and reinvigorate Wairoa, to reinforce the importance of the Wairoa River to the Wairoa community, and strengthen its banks, protecting them from further erosion, and teaching new generations of the importance of bank stabilisations in order to safeguard this river. This plan, created by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council after submissions from Upstream Wairoa looks at the opportunities for the Wairoa river and township, and develops concepts and planting applications to allow these opportunities to become a reality.
There have been a number of developments regarding the regeneration of the waterfront area, these include the Sir James Carroll Walkway and signage and the Marine Parade vegetation clearance. The Wairoa Waterfront Enhancement Plan has been a work in progress and builds on the work already being considered around the Wairoa River Waterfront. The Wairoa District Council and Upstream Wairoa will work alongside the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure all appropriate community consultation and engagement activities will be undertaken.
For more information please contact the Wairoa District Council.
+64 6 838 7309
97-103 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108
PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz