Current filter:
Each year Creative New Zealand provides funding to city and district councils for distributing in their area. The scheme supports more than 1,800 projects every year. Applications are made directly to Wairoa District Council.
Current funding round opens Friday, February 7th, 2025, and ends Friday, February 28, 2025.
Applications for financial assistance from Creative New Zealand are now being called for.
There are three funding criteria under the Creative Communities Scheme:
1. Participation
Create opportunities for local communities to engage with and participate in local arts activities
2. Diversity
Support diverse artistic cultural traditions of local communities.
3. Young People
Enable young people (under 18 years of age) to engage with, and participate in the arts.
Applicants should be resident in the Wairoa District Council area and your project must:
● Take place within the Wairoa district and benefit local communities
● Be completed within 12 months of funding being approved
● Not have started or finished before CCS funding is approved
● Not have already been funded through Creative New Zealand’s other arts funding programmes
Application forms and full details of project and financial criteria are available. If any help is required with filling out application forms please contact:
Latoya Tipuna either via email latoya@wairoadc.govt.nz or call 06 838 7309
About the scheme
Wairoa District Council administers the Creative Communities Scheme, which is funded by Creative New Zealand. Creative New Zealand is a central government agency and is New Zealand's main organisation for funding of the arts.
The purpose of the Creative Communities Scheme is to increase participation in arts in the Wairoa district and increase the range and diversity of arts available to communities.
There are two funding rounds per year:
Members of the Independent Assessment Committee are:
You can apply for funding through Creative New Zealand as long as your project meets all of the following:
If you have already received funding from CCS for a project, you must complete a report on that project before making another application, unless the project is still in progress.
Projects that get funded do at least one of the following:
The CCS is not a large arts funding avenue for significant arts related projects. Nationally, grants made under the CCS are mostly under $2,000 per project.
If you need to apply for over $8,000 you should consider discussing your project with Creative New Zealand to see if it qualifies for national funding. Visit Creative New Zealand's website, or email info@creativenz.govt.nz.
If you have any questions about the Creative Communities scheme contact Latoya Tipuna via email latoya@wairoadc.govt.nz or call 06 838 7309
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz